According to the order of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine dated 09.08.1995 №147, on the basis of VEO "Vinnytsiaenergo" DAEK "Vinnytsiaoblenergo" was created, which since January, 1999 is renamed into Open joint-stock company "Joint-stock company - Joint-stock company ", and from May 2, 2019 - to the Joint Stock Company" Vinnytsiaoblenergo ".
Oblenergo carries out the licensed activity on distribution of the electric power in the territory of Vinnytsia region, and also is engaged in service:
- 0.4-110 kV overhead lines, 43.3 thousand km long.
- 0.4-35 kV cable lines, 1.58 thousand km long.
The service area is 26.5 thousand square kilometers.
There are 82 110 kV substations in operation, 109 35 kV substations, 10,143 10 / 0.4 kV substations with a total capacity of 4101.8 MVA.
The regional power companies include 8 district power grids
The company serves more than 770 thousand consumers of electricity, including 1.38 thousand - industrial, 1.34 thousand - agricultural consumers and 750 thousand household.